September 29,2001
Hello my peeps!
Wow, I'm changing my layout again,
Sailor Moon and certain other animes no longer
move me. But I still love Final Fantasy VII and
Final Fantasy IX. And as for a random personal update
I took a brief hiatus from anime, but I'm back.
I had become disulliosned(that's spelled wrong ~_~sigh)
with the anime community.
All the truly talented such as Sonya-chan, and a personal
friend of mine(out of respect for her privacy her name will not be stated)
had stopped circulating on the net.All the fan fics had become the same
badly written story only done by different newbies.
I won't hold it against them but hey, the least a newbie could
do was try to write something original.
Well that's the short version of my personal tirade.
So in an effort to become reborn, in sense, I'm redoing the web page.
-Ja ne
P.S. My email works now.
If you wanna E-mail Me

August 16, 2001
Hi Folks, its me SG back again. Sorry about the move,
but I was having trouble with Geocities HTML editor,
my images always showed up broken even if the coding was perfect.
So I just decided to move. It made my life so much simpler.
Maybe I'll go back to Geocities someday
but for now I'm comfortable with Tripod. So anyway...
I have my brand new layout. And because I missed it so much,
I'm reseructing the Outer Senshi palace.
Did I spell that right? Oh well . For those of you who don't remember the palace
It was a site with Bio's, and Images dedicated to the four Outer Senshi who
I believe do not get all the attention they deserve.
Other than that nothing exciting.JA NE!